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A SCOUT be celebrated!

New posting - after "all these years"...
Today it's all about preserving your son and/or sons' scouting history...OR your daughter's girl scouting history too.
Now you may wonder if it is all that important - well, I guess it all depends on how far into scouting the little tyke(s) go.  Say they go far...all the way to the top (which isn't unusual in the LDS Church), you may want to consider preserving in some way, all those hours you...I mean he has put into the program...JK, after all, they are the ones who went on those winter, snow-cave-where-they-almost-froze-to-death campouts...
I can only offer what I did with my three boy's scouting stuff, oh, and also my husband's stuff as well, since he was an Eagle Scout.
You will notice that there are no Boy Scout shirts framed as I did the Cub Scout shirts. That is because those are still likely to be current and needed in the boy's adult lives as they have opportunity to volunteer and/or work in the Boy Scouting program.  However, since they all have grown in size now that they are adults, I did transfer all of the patches and pins onto new, larger shirts (a great Christmas gift?)
However, I did decide to frame, in shadow-box frames their Cub Scout shirts.  What a fun reminder of all their adventures and accomplishments.

For one son, I cross-stitched an eagle and also placed the rank pins for display. (The boys receive both patches that go on the shirt or sash, and pins that they don't really put on anything.)
Anyway, if you are a needle-crafter, there are many patterns available if you google for them.

In addition to the shirt/frame displays.  I created a preserve in a binder (may also be scanned and saved digitally) that included the following possible items:
- Rank card protector pages
- Special awards (Duty to God, On My Honor)
- Merit badge workbooks/work sheets, handouts, notes
- Camping log - dates, places, number of days and nights
- Leadership positions - title, job description, duration
- Service activities - dates and details

Then, when the boys reached their Eagle Scout rank, a preserve was created that included the following possible items:
- All work sheets related to their Eagle project and rank work
- Copy of the Eagle Scout Leadership Service Project Workbook (after it has been completed) - copied not only for preservation, but also for proof of work, as this booklet is turned in to the Scout District as it sometimes can come up missing)
- Copy of completed Eagle Scout Rank Application (also for above reason)
- Pictures taken during the Eagle service project

- List of awards & honors received by your son - school, church, community, etc.
- List of scout leadership (again)
- Scout's goals and life's purpose and ambitions
- Copies of their rank cards (again)- Copy of letters of recommendations
- Copy of letter sent requesting congratulatory letters
- Letters of congratulations
- Copy of the press release prepared for the newspaper
- Newspaper clipping announcing your Eagle Scout's award
- Print out of the Court of Honor program, and ceremony
- Pictures taken during the Court of Honor
- Cards from guests attending the Court of Honor
- All the congratulatory paper work coming from National, Council, District Scout offices
- Copy of Eagle Scout card and certificate coming from National Boy Scouts of America


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