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I have today a PRESERVE idea that I have used since the early days of my preserving.
Once again, I received this idea from someone other than myself - thank you whoever you were.
I pose this question to you - Where do you keep all the STUFF that is too important or sentimental to get rid of?
The answer is a TREASURE BOX, of course.
Now, you may say to me, "I already have a lot of this stuff in a box", or "A lot of it is too big to go in a box - What are YOU talking about?"
I say to you, keep reading and you'll understand.
(*note* When I say "box", I mean something waterproof - Rubbermaid-like)

Step one - GATHER - go around your house, or into your boxes, closets, and drawers and gather together, all in one place all the items you've been saving from your childhood, from your parents and grandparents, etc. lives. All items that are too big to have fit into one of your history preserve books.  Items that have personal meaning and sentimentality to you (else you'd have gotten rid of them long before). Anything that you are hanging on to "because" you just can't bring yourself to get rid of it. (This may include furniture, or even the house itself) WHAT? (some items MAY be too large to gather, but instead of gathering these items, write down a brief description of what they are and put that list with your gathered pile.)

#2 - SORT - Decide WHY you keep these items and put items into groupings - for example:

HEIRLOOMS - stuff handed down to you that you keep out of respect, love of, or sentimentality of...

PERSONAL ITEMS - your own stuff that you've kept because it has sentimental value, or you just love.

VALUABLE ITEMS - items of monetary value that you don't get rid of just for that reason.

JUNK - Stuff you keep, just because but doesn't fit under any of the above reasons.

Now, some items may fit into one or more catagory, such as: both an heirloom and valuable... That's OK, just decide the main "WHY" of your keeping it, that will help you determine what group to put it in.

#3 - LIST - Now comes the important part of this PRESERVE...
Make a page for each of the areas of Why you keep an item: Heirlooms / Personal / Value / Junk.
Next look at each item individually and list these things about it under the heading you think it fits best.
a) Give each item a NUMBER - attach that number to the item in a non-conspicuous place - (masking tape, sticky note strip - whatever works)
b) In numerical order, write or type what the item is - a good description - include any manufacturers, #'s: serial, model, color etc.
c) Reason for keeping item - details - who owned it, circumstances revolving around it, why you like it, keep it, what you use it for, memories about it, etc.
d) $ Value - what you think it's worth.  If it's worth nothing, put $0.
e) Anything else you can think of regarding it.

*note* - if you create your list on the computer, you can just list everything and then sort the descriptions and pictures afterward.

#4 - PHOTOGRAPH - This is just as important a record as listing the item.
- Take pictures of each item - from at least a couple of different angles, as close as you can get (do you have a macro setting on your lens?) Also using natural light is best - go outside, but out of direct sunlight. (I like to set items on a nice background like a table cloth or something).
- Attach or insert thumbnail or larger sized photo(s) of the item next to the description (this can all be done easily on the computer using Word, Excel, Power Point)
- Organize and print out your PRESERVE list - Also save a copy of the PRESERVE on an external hard drive, or CD.
- File a copy of your PRESERVE list/CD inside the box(es) you store the items in, as well as a copy with your important documents and papers.
- After you're done with all the preserving-  just store items together in their waterproof container or redistribute items that you normally display.
- Relax, now knowing that if anything every happens to you or to your items - someone will know their "story" & value.

Not only is this practice a great way to remember the important reasons why you keep certain items, and be able to pass these items on along with all their pertinent details to others, BUT it's a great record in the case some destructive force (weather,robbery) comes along and separates you from or damages your items, for insurance, legal, or police records and proof.

HOME INVENTORY - (a copy or CD may be filed with your insurance company)
This same method (without all the sentimentality) may be used for any/all items of value in your home as well.
Go around your house, take pictures of and write descriptions (thorough) of items that you'd need proof of, then list and save.  Saves a lot of time when trying to remember what all "blew away in the tornado"or "burned in the fire".  Nothing's too insignificant or unimportant when you've spent money for it.

HAPPY PRESERVING 'MATEY'! (it's worth the time and effort)


  1. Genius! I did this with old Christmas ornaments that I didn't want to put on the tree anymore (because I wanted to have a tree that looked like the magazine trees just once!) but it didn't occur to me to do it for the other items of my home. When M for Amazings mom died she left a hope chest full of sentimental baby items and souvenirs and unfortunately we knew they all had stories and meanings but *we* didn't know any of the whys. We didn't even know what baby clothes belonged to what child, so I think this Preserve idea is brilliant, thanks!

  2. More wonderful ideas! I have my mom's wedding dress - it was the only thing I really wanted after she died in November. I just always remember wanting to look at it as a child. I am thinking of trying it on and getting a picture of me in it to keep in a scrapbook, as well as maybe having my daughters try it on too - I think it would be a neat scrapbook page. Of course, we have wedding pictures of my mom too! The generations! Thanks for getting my mind started on this. I have some items my aunt gave me, that are special because they came from her, but they aren't something I would necessarily display. I will have to ask her some details on where they came from etc. I believe they may be from Poland too! Thanks again Cindy! This could be a nice Sunday project!


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